Understanding what sexual harassment is

What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is done either to offend, humiliate or intimidate another person, or where it is reasonable to expect the person might feel that way. It can be written, verbal or physical,...

How to Stay Safe on the Roads During Storm Season

As storm season approaches, you’ve no doubt started thinking about taking a few preventative steps to protect your home or business premises. But don’t forget to get your car storm ready too. Storms can hit unexpectedly and even the most prepared of us can get caught...

5 Key Reasons You Need A Lawyer

When an incident occurs on the road or at work, it is always problematic, especially if there are a lot of expenses involved. It’s important to understand your rights and where you stand in terms of your next steps to take. However, those who have gone through...

What Does No Win No Fee Actually Mean?

“No Win No Fee” is a term so often used by law firms and solicitors that it almost loses its meaning. So, what does it actually mean? A “No Win, No Fee” arrangement is one that guarantees you won’t need to pay for any associated legal fees if...